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Bird Watching Experiences

This course delves into Kenya's extraordinary birdlife, showcasing the best locations for birdwatching. With over 1,100 species, including rare and endemic birds, you’ll discover why Kenya is one of the top birding destinations in the world. Perfect for nature enthusiasts and birding specialists.


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Bird Watching Experiences: Introduction to Birding in Kenya

Introduction to Birding in Kenya


Tremendous geographical range gives Kenya a variety of climates and landscapes, hence the second highest number of species in Africa. Kenya holds the 'bird watch' world-record with 342 species seen in 24hrs.

From the world's biggest bird, the Ostrich, to spectacular flamingos that congregate in their millions at the various Lakes of the Great Rift Valley and camouflage them in pink, Kenya holds some remarkable birding sights that you have to see to believe. With eleven percent of the world's species – some 1089 different varieties, Kenya's birding is one of the best in the world. It is not unusual for birding trips to record 300-600 different varieties on a short trip or to record more than 120 at a particular site on a single day!

The variety of birds in Kenya is made possible by the favourable climate, diverse habitats and geographical features that make it a suitable migratory route for birds. Even without venturing outside Nairobi, Kenya's capital, more than 600 resident and migratory bird species are found; more than in any other capital city, and more than in most countries.

Bird watching is good all year round in Kenya!

The rainy seasons of April and November coincide with migration of birds from and to Europe and Asia, and some of the top day's totals have been recorded at that time. Migrants make up only about ten percent of Kenya's birdlife. Spectacular birds of the bush – guinea fowl, go-away birds, rollers and barbets, to mention but a few – are active all year.

To see Kenya's rarest, indigenous and unfortunately endangered birds, the bird enthusiast needs to seek out forests or highland grasslands tucked away amongst various farmlands. Arabuko-Sokoke Forest near Malindi, tops the list, with the six threatened bird species of the Sokoke Scops Owl, Sokoke Pipit, Spotted Ground Thrush, East Coast Akalat, Amani Sunbird and Clarke's Weaver. Kenya is a prime destination for a birdwatching holiday at any time of year.

Between October and February many palearctic migrants come to Kenya's marine and inland shorelines. Many swallows, terns and waders will be found during this time; whilst between June and July weavers and bishops are in breeding plumage and many Southern African migrants visit.

Kenya's national parks make excellent centres for bird watching in Kenya - the Maasai Mara for the rosy-throated longclaw and magpie shrike; the Samburu for the rare shining sunbird and pink breasted lark; and Nairobi for the northern pied-babbler and Pangani longclaw. Kenya's handful of endemics include the Tara River cisticola, the Aberdare cisticola; Hinde's pied-babbler; William's lark; Sharpe's pipit; and Clarke's weaver.

This diverse range of habitats supports a great diversity of bird species - and makes a birdwatching holiday in Kenya very rewarding!

Bird Watching Experiences: Best Locations for Incredible Birding Experiences

Best Locations for Incredible Birding Experiences

Best Locations for Incredible Birding Experiences


Kenya's Great Rift Valley is renowned for its biodiversity and with over 400 species of bird known to frequent its skies, this is one of the best places in the country to enjoy a successful birdwatching holiday. There are also several excellent birding areas around Lake Victoria.

Best Locations for Incredible Birding Experiences:


Lake Nakuru National Park (Rift Valley)
Lake Baringo (Rift Valley): Over one-third of Kenya’s species have been recorded here.
Lake Bogoria National Park (Rift Valley): Bird watching in a unique natural environment with geysers and hot springs.
Lake Naivasha (Rift Valley)
Kakamega Forest (Western Kenya)
Lake Victoria & respective islands e.g. Ndere Island (Western Kenya) for Birding, Fishing, and lake expeditions.

Some other areas including the forest “islands” at the top of the Taita Hills, near Voi, are home to the beautiful but critically endangered Taita Thrush and Taita Apalis, as well as the endangered Taita White-eye.  

Sharpe’s Longclaw and Aberdare Cisticola, native and endangered, live in the highland grasslands near the Aberdare mountain range. In western Kenya, Kakamega Forest is a little patch of Guineo-Congolian rainforest in Kenya. Among the many rainforest species found are spectacular Turacos and Hornbills, and the tiny, endangered Turner’s Eremomela.

The scarce and threatened Papyrus Yellow Warbler is found in papyrus swamps on the shores of Lake Victoria, alongside the Papyrus Gonolek, White-winged Warbler, and Papyrus Canary, all papyrus endemics.

Local bird guides are available at numerous sites and are your best aid for locating and identifying the many species. They live at or near these sites and their birding interest is nurtured by that association with visiting scientists, birders, and added to by some formal training. It is advisable to contact the local guides association if you will be spending time at a specific site. By using local guides, you increase your bird citing success. More importantly, you will be supporting the conservation of that site by the involvement of the local community in sustaining the area's ornithology.

Professional bird guides and Tour Operators who can accompany you on safari also provide additional guiding services that will broaden your birding experience. One can also purchase “50 Top Birding Sites in Kenya” book from Nature Kenya which details everything you need to know about birding in Kenya.

Did you know Kenya has a National Bird? The most common guess around is that it is the rooster but no; Kenya’s unofficial national bird is the beautifully coloured Lilac Breasted Roller. Its Swahili name is ‘Kambu’ or ‘Chole’.

The bird's plumage consists of about eight colours boasting lilac and turquoise that most men would have trouble identifying. These wide arrays of colours are supposed to represent the diversity in Kenya in terms of cultures, sceneries, attractions, and the country’s uniqueness. The bird is also found in most regions of the country.

Interestingly, unlike most other birds where males are the most attractive, for the Lilac Breasted Roller both females and males are equally dazzling. You cannot tell the difference by the looks. They are not dimorphic.

Bird Watching Experiences: Deep Dive into the Specific Destinations for Birding

Deep Dive into the Specific Destinations for Birding

Deep Dive into the Specific Destinations for Birding

Nairobi and its Environs

In Nairobi, you are guaranteed to find birds everywhere you travel. A stroll in hotel gardens, a trip to the Nairobi National Park, or the grounds of the National Museum is likely to turn up bright black and yellow weavers, tiny iridescent sunbirds resembling flying jewels, Secretary Bird, Bustards, and Mousebirds with long tails, which are unique to Africa.

The giant Marabou Storks, a frequent visitor to the city, now nest on the acacia trees along the streets. A surprisingly wide range of habitats can be visited on day trips from Nairobi. These include Lake Naivasha in the Rift Valley, the dry bush around the Olorgesailie Prehistoric Site, and the Escarpment Forests in the foothills of the Aberdare mountain range. In Magadi, the flamingo breeding grounds here are an important bird area and are frequently visited by specialist birding safaris. Other species of interest recorded here include the African Spoonbill, Cape Teal, Great Egret, and the Avocet. Besides the Nairobi National Park, other key birding sites in and around Nairobi include Karura Forest, Nairobi Arboretum, Ngong Road Forest Sanctuary, and City Park.

Southern Kenya

Amboseli National Park, Southern Kenya

Amboseli is popular with birders as well as elephant watchers. Over 400 species, including at least 40 raptors, have been recorded. Notable species include the Lesser Flamingo, many ducks, darters, and herons nesting in the wetlands, and birds of prey including a small population of Martial Eagles.

Maasai Mara National Reserve, Southern Kenya

The Mara is equally popular with birders and specialist birding safaris. Of the over 500 recorded species, notables include the Corncrake, Grey Crested Helmet Shrike, Lesser Kestrel, Madagascar Squacco Heron, Saddle Billed Stork, Secretary Bird, Ostrich, White Headed Vulture among more common species, Lilac Breasted Roller, Yellow Billed Oxpecker among the large herds, and Martial and Crowned Eagles.

Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Park, Southern Kenya

This vast area is excellent birding country, popular with specialist birding safaris. Notable species recorded include the rare Basra Reed Warbler, Friedmann’s Lark, Ostrich, Blue Quail, Violet Wood Hoopoe, Martial, and Crowned Eagle.

Central Kenya

Mount Kenya National Park, Central Kenya

Mt. Kenya and its surrounding forests are good birding country. Notable species recorded here include the Lesser Kestrel, Jackson’s Widowbird, Abbots Starling, Jackson’s Francolin, Hunter’s Cisticola, the Crowned Eagle, African Grass Owl, and Cape Eagle Owl.

Aberdares National Park, Central Kenya

The bird-rich Aberdares are very popular with birders and specialist birding safaris. At least 200 species have been recorded, including African Green Ibis, African Cuckoo Hawk, Cape Eagle Owl, Mountain Buzzard, and Hartlaub’s Turaco. Rare species include the Scarlet Tufted Sunbird, Long Tailed Widowbird, African Grass Owl, and the Aberdare Cisticola on the moorlands.

Meru National Park, Central Kenya

The Meru area is excellent birding country, becoming popular with specialist birding safaris. There have been recorded sightings of Saddle Billed Stork, Pel’s Fishing Owl, and African Finfoots in the swamps and along the river.

Northern Kenya

Samburu, Shaba, and Buffalo Springs National Park, Northern Kenya

This area is very popular with birders and specialist birding safaris. Samburu and Buffalo Springs national reserves have over 380 recorded species, with similar numbers in Shaba. Notable species recorded include arid endemics such as Donaldson-Smith’s Sparrow Weaver, Shining Sunbird, and the Bristle Crowned Starling, many Vulturine Guinea Fowl, several Hornbill species, Somali Ostrich, and rare species such as the Taita Falcon, migratory Kestrels, and William’s Lark.

Turkana, Northern Kenya

Turkana is also an important bird area, frequently visited by specialist birding safaris. Species of interest recorded here include large populations of Pink Backed Pelican, Greater Flamingo, Spur Winged Plover, and the Little Stint as well as rare species such as the Saddle Billed Stork, Banded Snake Eagle, and the African Skimmer.

The Kenya Coast

Malindi – Watamu, Kenya Coast

The Malindi-Watamu area is very popular with birders and specialist birding safaris. Mida Creek, along with the beaches of Watamu, is a feeding area for Western Reef Heron, Lesser Crested Tern, and shorebirds such as the Sanderling, Curlew Sandpiper, and Greater and Lesser Sandplover.

Offshore Whale Island is an occasional breeding ground for Roseate and Bridled Terns. To the north, the Sabaki River mouth attracts Madagascar Pratincole, Sooty Gull, and the Lesser Crested and Saunders’s Tern. Outside Malindi, near the Marafa Depression, is the Dakatcha Woodland, considered an important bird area and sanctuary for the Southern Banded Snake Eagle, Sokoke Pipit, and Clarke’s Weaver.

Tana River Delta, Kenya Coast

The Tana River Delta area is an excellent area for birding. The Delta itself attracts an average population of around 20,000 water birds, including Pelicans, Egrets, Storks, Flamingos, Geese, and many shorebirds. The surrounding forests are also rich with birdlife, including the rare Southern Banded Snake Eagle, East Coast Akalat, Malindi Pipit, Basra Reed Warbler, Pel’s Fishing Owl, Violet Wood Hoopoe, Scaly Babbler, and of course, the Tana River Cisticola.

South Coast, Kenya Coast

The South Coast is a perfect destination for coastal birding. The forest at Diani is a refuge for Fischer’s Turaco, Southern Banded Snake Eagle, Little Yellow Flycatcher, and the Uluguru Violet Backed Sunbird. Nearby Dzombo Hill is home to a Digo Kaya and is also home to the rare Sokoke Pipit, the African Crowned Eagle, and around 33 other forest-dependent species.

Offshore, the Kisite-Mpunguti Marine Park has an important population of rare Roseate Terns, among other pelagic birds, centered on Kisite Island.

Shimba Hills, Kenya Coast

This is an important bird area and is frequently visited by specialist birding safaris. Species of interest recorded here include the Southern Banded Snake Eagle, Fischer’s Turaco, Sokoke Pipit, East Coast Akalat, and migratory Eurasian Cuckoos.

Taita and Chyulu Hills, Southern Kenya

The Chyulu area is very popular with birders and specialist birding safaris. Notable species recorded include Abbots Starlings en route from Mt. Kenya to Kilimanjaro, Shelley’s Francolin, Orange Ground Thrush, and several rare raptors- Ayre’s Hawk Eagle, Crowned Eagle, and Martial Eagle. The Taita Hills are also a very important bird reserve, with many endemics including the Taita Falcon, Taita Thrush, Taita White Eye, and the Taita Apalis.

Arabuko Sokoke Forest, Kenya Coast

The Arabuko Sokoke Forest is a very important area for birding. Among the endemics here is the Sokoke Scops Owl, the world’s rarest owl. The species is only found in this forest, although there have been reported sightings in the Usambara Mountains in Northern Tanzania. This highly elusive bird is more often seen than heard, but the chance of a sighting makes this a real mecca for birders. Even if you don’t locate a Scops, there are plenty of other species to be seen, including the rare Clarke’s Weaver, Fischer’s Turaco, Southern Banded Snake Eagle, and the Amani and Plain Backed Sunbirds.

Other key birding sites at the Kenya Coast include Mida Creek, Haller Park, Nguuni Nature Sanctuary, Lake Jipe, and Sabaki River Estuary.

Western Kenya

Mount Elgon National Park, Western Kenya

This is an important bird area and is frequently visited by specialist birding safaris. Species of interest recorded here include the Slender Billed Starling, Sharpe’s Long Claw, and Crowned Eagle; Ring Necked Francolin, Striped Rufftail, Red Chested Owlet, Thick Billed Honeyguide, Toro Olive Greenbul, and Purple Throated Cuckoo Shrike.

Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya

Kakamega’s main attraction is its birdlife. The forest is a unique environment, not just in Kenya but in Africa. There are a number of relict species found here, including the Angsore’s Greenbul, Blue Headed Bee-eater, Chapin’s Flycatcher, and Turner’s Eremola. Other notables include the Red Chested Owlet, Least Honeyguide, Great Blue Turaco, Banded Snake Eagle, and Crowned Eagle. Kakamega is a popular destination for birders and is well set up for bird-watching safaris.

Lake Victoria, Western Kenya

There are several excellent birding areas around Lake Victoria. The main areas of interest are the swamps at Kusa, Koguta, and Dunga and within Ruma National Park. The swamps are one of the last refuges of the endangered Papyrus Gonolek and Papyrus Yellow Warbler, while Ruma is the only place in Kenya where the migratory Blue Swallow has been sighted.

Rift Valley

Lake Baringo, Rift Valley

This is an important bird area and is frequently visited by specialist birding safaris. Species of interest recorded here include Jackson’s and Hemprich’s Hornbills, Bristle Crowned Starling, and waterbirds including Goliath Heron, White Backed Duck, and African Skimmers and Darters.

Lake Bogoria National Reserve, Rift Valley

Bogoria is an important bird area, with its large populations of flamingos. Other species of interest recorded here include many Black Necked Grebe, African Darter, White Necked Vulture, and African Fish Eagle. The best way to see birdlife in this area is to travel around the lakeshore. The acacia forests and cliffs are both rich birding country.

Elementaita, Rift Valley

This is considered an important bird area, frequently visited by specialist birding safaris. Species of interest recorded here include both Lesser and Greater Flamingo, the remarkable Jackson’s Widowbird, and the Grey Crested Helmet Shrike. Both Martial and Crowned Eagles have also been sighted here.

Naivasha, Rift Valley

This is an important birding area, and the entire region is a popular destination with specialist birding tours. Naivasha has over 400 recorded bird species. The waters of the lake obviously attract many waterbirds including the continent’s highest concentration of African Fish Eagles, many Goliath Heron, Jacanas, Pied and Malachite Kingfisher, Red-Knobbed Coot, Spoonbills, Little Grebe, rare Maccoa Duck, African Darters, and Saddle Billed Stork. The shores and forests of the lake are also excellent birding territory, while the cliffs of Hell’s Gate National Park are an important nesting area for many raptor species.

Nakuru, Rift Valley

One of Nakuru’s greatest attractions is its birds, and this is a common stop for specialist birding safaris. Apart from the obvious Greater and Lesser Flamingo, species of interest recorded here include many Great White Pelican and Black Necked and Little Grebe, as well as rare Martial Eagle, Lesser Kestrel, and Madagascar Squacco Heron.

About the course

This course delves into Kenya's extraordinary birdlife, showcasing the best locations for birdwatching. With over 1,100 species, including rare and endemic birds, you’ll discover why Kenya is one of the top birding destinations in the world. Perfect for nature enthusiasts and birding specialists.